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FAV AV2-TEV Programmable Skiving Machine

Call for Pricing: (936) 539-1400

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FAV AV2-TEV Programmable Skiving Machine

New generation computer controlled skiving machine

  • Each part can be programmed for 5 different types of skives for each foot type, with up to 50 sequences. Hundreds of programs can be stored.
  • Each type of skive can be defined by 4 parameters (angle, thickness, width and speed). These parameters can also be modified during the production cycle.
  • Working speed can be set in the program or switched to manual control so the operator can adjust with the variable speed pedal from 0 to 700 mm / sec.
  • Sharpening and advancement of the blade can be set in ‘manual’ or ‘automatic’ control.


  • Programmable Parameters - skive thickness, width, angle, and speed
  • Skive width from 0 to 45 mm
  • Presser foot angle on precision bearings
  • Hundreds of skiving programs with a wide variety of traditional skiving feet, including roller, Teflon and stainless varieties.
  • Uses traditional feed rolls in both emery, steel, Vulkollan rubber.
  • Common spare parts interchangeable with traditional skiving machines.
  • Simplicity in design for reliable performance
  • Start or stop the skive in any position by means of a knee-operated switch that controls presser foot lift. Capable of skiving or splitting in the middle of a part activating the presser foot.


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